Laser Cavity Preparation

Cavities are the decay of teeth, mostly caused by incorrect dietary intake (food with high sugar and carbohydrates) and poor oral hygiene.


Traditional cavity preparations vs. Laser-assisted cavity preparation:


Traditional cavity preparations include the removal of the decay utilizing the conventional bur. With laser cavity preparations, burs use is significantly less (sometimes it is still necessary). The laser can be used to remove dental decay and prepare the tooth structure for the filling material. In some cases, the laser can be used to anaesthetize the tooth. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, and a local anaesthetic is still necessary.


How does laser-assisted cavity preparation work?


Lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light. The water molecules in the tooth react to photons produced from the laser, which expands and dislodge tooth decay. The cavity is disinfected using the laser and preparing the tooth for the placement of filling material.


Is the laser-assisted cavity preparation painful, and do I need local anaesthetic?


Some patients experience pain and sensitivity after treatment, and some patients do not experience pain and sensitivity. It differs from patient to patient. A local anaesthetic is sometimes still necessary to ensure that patients experience little to no discomfort in those cases.


Is this treatment more expensive than traditional therapies?


Yes, the treatment is more expensive, but in most cases, the use of the dental drill is minimal, which reduces dental fear and anxiety, especially in children. Utilizing the laser to prepare the tooth to preserve more tooth structure compared with the traditional bur approach.